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My dream job is to become a pathologist. Pathology is the study and diagnosis of disease by examining tissue and fluids from the human body. These tissues are tested and examined for certain diseases, and then a treatment is applied depending on the type and severity of this disease. This, however, is not an easy task. The educational requirement includes completing your undergrad studies, then going to medical school to obtain a Medical Doctor degree (M.B), and then finally a residency/fellowship program is required to begin working. This job calls for many hours spent in a lab studying the tissues and samples brought to you by the patients' doctors. There are also many different specialties that allowed for continued learning throughout the career. A pathologist earns about $200,000 a year, with many added benefits. 

The hospital

My dream hospital can be found in Ann Arbor, Michigan and is called the University of Michigan Hospital. This institution has been open since 1986 and teaches young medical students attending the university. This hospital houses many adult patients with it's over 1,000,000 square feet of medical labs. There is also the neighboring hospital, C.S Motts Children Hospital, for the younger patients. This would be a great establishment to work in as well. 


Despite the required education and degrees, this career also calls for many hours spent in the lab. A residency is required to complete right after medical school, where the new doctors follow the experienced ones in order to learn the ins and outs of the job. As the new doctor's learn, they take on more responsibilities with decision making and lab work, so they can eventually work on their own. After this experience, the new doctor is able to find a job and begin working on their own.

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